The relationship between gut health and overall health is not up for debate! Due to sedentary lifestyles, a lot of us face digestive issues. And one such issue is Constipation; something we face every now and then. In simple words, constipation is the inability to pass bowel movements regularly.
According to a study, nearly 23% of all Indians have faced the problem of constipation and the main reason being the drastic changes in lifestyle with indulgence in junk food plus low physical activity.
People usually use over-the-counter laxatives and chemical drugs which can lead to metabolism disturbances in the body and not to forget the negative effects they have on the digestive system with multiple side effects.
Constant episodes of constipation can result with chronic constipation that can deteriorate the overall performance of your digestive system indirectly affecting the entire health of an individual.
Know the causes and cures of constipation with ayurveda and an online ayurvedic shop – Wellness Mantra.
The common causes of constipation are:
- Drinking less water which can cause the stool to become tighter thereby leading to constipation.
- Stress is considered to be a major key factor that many people ignore.
- Constipation can occur because of slow contractions that delay the passage of stools. This may be due to stress or because of a change in your daily routine.
- Consuming a diet that is extremely low in fiber content.
- Living a sedentary lifestyle and not getting enough physical activity can disturb body metabolism which leads to constipation.
- Ignoring the need to pass stools can cause constipation.
- Abrupt changes in your daily routine such as having to travel or not getting enough rest can lead to constipation.
- Excessive use of medications such as pain killers and antacids can sometimes be the reason for constipation. This can occur during pregnancy owing to hormonal changes in the female body.
- Underlying medical conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Diverticulosis, or any other problem in the colon can also contribute to causing constipation.
Constipation According to Ayurveda:
According to Ayurveda, any irregularity in the body is caused because of imbalance in the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas in the body.
Constipation is the result of Vata Imbalance in the body as Apana Vayu is a kind of Vata that regulates downward movement. An imbalance in the Apana Vayu can affect the colon movement and also impact the working of its muscles.
In the Ayurvedic Treatment of Constipation, it is recommended that one uses herbal formulations. Since Ayurvedic herbs cause no side effects and are natural, this makes the Ayurvedic treatment for constipation effective in the long run.
Also Read: Powerful Ayurvedic Herbs and Their Benefits
How to address constipation with Ayurveda:
#1 – Dietary Changes:

The most important aspect that needs attention is your diet. Constipation cannot be cured or improved if you are not willing to change your diet. As constipation is caused due to imbalance in Vata, you need to take a Vata pacifying diet. Hence, you must consume foods which are warm and freshly cooked and avoid cold and stale food.
Here is what you should consume:
- Consume foods rich in dietary fiber like grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.
- Fruits such as apples, bananas, guavas, figs, oranges, carrots, etc.
- Food that has the nature of warmth and is freshly cooked.
- The use of spices such as garlic, ginger turmeric, cumin, and asafetida, and carom seeds is advised
- Use ghee or organic oils for cooking.
- Avoid intake of junk foods, fried food, processed food, spicy food, as well as non-vegetarian food
- Drink warm water throughout the day. Make sure to consume enough water throughout the day.
- Avoid smoking, drinking, or taking too much caffeine in the form of tea and coffee.
- Avoid overeating and eat at regular intervals.
#2 – A DIY Remedy:
You can consume roasted fennel seeds with warm water. This works as a laxative. Moreover, castor oil acts as a natural laxative as well and you can take a spoonful of castor oil before bedtime.
#3 – Body Movement:
Leading a sedentary lifestyle can hurt your digestive system and having an increased level of physical activity can help you immensely. You can either go for a walk or practice Yoga which will help you with indigestion and hence help with constipation as well.
#4 – Ayurveda Therapy:
There is an Ayurveda Therapy known as Abhyanga which is a massage to treat imbalances in the body. Moreover, Panchakarma therapy can also be used to provide relief in constipation.
#5 – A Good 8 Hour Sleep:

Sleep is very important to treat any disease because sleep rejuvenates the body and heals it. Try to maintain a sleep cycle of 8 hours and get stress free sleep.
Also Read: Ayurveda and Varicose Veins
#6 – Triphala:
Triphala is one of the most common Ayurvedic herbs used to treat constipation in a natural way. It is an ancient formula made up of fruits Amalaki, Bhibhitaki, and Haritaki. Triphala works as a natural laxative and helps improve bowel movement thus, giving relief with constipation.
#7 – Wellness Mantra:

The removal of toxins and waste from the body is a natural and ongoing process that takes place through faeces, urination and perspiration. When any of these excretions get hampered, it intoxicates the body and results in various ailments.
Nature’s best constipation relieving ayurvedic ingredients have been chosen through extensive research in the making of AnandLax™ tablets. It stimulates bowel movements and relieves the pain and other associated conditions caused by constipation.
Combining pure Aragvadh, Sonamukhi, Nishoth, Triphala, Sunthi and Yashtimadhu, AnandLax™ is prepared from the original texts of Ayurveda and is one of the most suitable resolutions to acute & chronic constipation.