Wellness Mantra

22% of Indians suffer from constipation – AnandLax a safe and natural remedy!

Constipation is a household name in India. According to the latest survey (Source: ABBOTT ‘GUT HEALTH SURVEY’), almost 22% of India’s adult population suffers from constipation. Constipation is a problem faced by people belonging to all age groups i.e. from children to elders constipation can happen to anyone. What is Constipation? Constipation is a digestive […]

Ayurvedic Medicine For Female Infertility

Infertility amongst women is on an alarming rise in India and Ayurveda can be a solution Motherhood is the ultimate bliss that completes a woman. Today’s fast-paced life and multidimensional responsibilities of women has increased stress levels which often lead to hormonal imbalances, many a time causing difficulty in conceiving. According to a survey conducted […]

How To Manage Diabetes, Naturally?

The term Diabetes is now a common word since more or less every family across the World has been impacted by it. It is supposedly a known disease that acts as a slow and silent killer, working over years in the human body. Diabetes eventually results in affecting different organs of the body, which could […]

How to make your heart strong and healthy naturally!

Signs of an unhealthy heart and how you can counter it with the help of Ayurveda It is high time that we learn to deal with our emotions healthily as studies have proved that stress and mental health are interrelated to the well-being of the heart. The faulty lifestyle and bad eating habits have taken […]